How to Tame Animals as Pets in Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Here is a guide in becoming the beastmaster and get the pets you desire during your odyssey in ancient Greece. Assassin's Creed Odyssey offers a slightly different approach in taming pets compared to Assassin's Creed Origins which can be done using special darts. Odyssey let's you defeat the animal not in fatal means to be able to acquire them as your companion.

First, get the hunter ability Beastmaster in exchange for one skill point, tier one gets you the skill to tame wolves. This is very helpful early in the game and managing multiple enemies.

How to tame a pet animal early in the game
Upon acquiring more ability points, from Hunter abilities, get the Beastmaster tier two to tame the three L's, lions, lynxes and leopards while tier three lets you tame bears. The Hunter ability paralyzing arrow, can get the job done from a distance. If you wish to specialize on assassin or warrior and conserve your ability points, use your unarmed strike or Spartan kick on the last hit to knock out the animal and interact to tame them.
IMPORTANT TIP: Your last hit must not be fatal, avoid using regular weapon or abilities and damage-over-time like fire and poison when the animal's health bar is almost gone.
1. Paralyzing arrow is a Hunter ability worth one ability point under the Hunter skill tree found in the Abilities tab. While selected, the paralyzing arrows can be augmented with your hunter abilities such as predator shot, devastating shot, ghost arrows of Artemis to knock out an animal in a single shot (see example in Lone Lion video below). Or knock out multiple targets using spread shot, multi shot, rapid fire and overpower bow strike.
Tame an animal with an one shot (3:33)
2. Unarmed strike is done by un-equipping your weapon which can be done by double-tapping a weapon on the inventory screen. Basically you will be using you bare hands in combat.
3. Spartan kick is a Warrior ability worth one ability point under the Warrior skill tree found in the Abilities tab. Be wary of cliffs and ledges if the animal fell from high enough terrain, they will die.
Where are the animals at though? The guide below has map locations of the animal lairs and the most frequent sightings of the animals during the earlier part of the game.
IMPORTANT TIP: Your last hit must not be fatal, avoid using regular weapon or abilities and damage-over-time like fire and poison when the animal's health bar is almost gone.
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Three Ways to Land Non-lethal attacks in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

2. Unarmed strike is done by un-equipping your weapon which can be done by double-tapping a weapon on the inventory screen. Basically you will be using you bare hands in combat.

3. Spartan kick is a Warrior ability worth one ability point under the Warrior skill tree found in the Abilities tab. Be wary of cliffs and ledges if the animal fell from high enough terrain, they will die.
Where are the animals at though? The guide below has map locations of the animal lairs and the most frequent sightings of the animals during the earlier part of the game.
Animal Locations (early in the game)
Untamable Pets
The animals indicated in your Beastmaster skill are the only kind you can acquire as pets. There are animals that can't be tamed in the game, like pets of mercenaries, pets of huntress, or basically pets of other NPCs. Sometimes if you accept contracts hunting a particular animal, you need to finish the related side quest/contracts first before you can tame them.
Guide to Find All Legendary Animals
For example you are hunting bears for pelts or an NPC asked you to kill hostile wolves in the area etc. You cannot tame legendary animals but you can pet the alpha or elites animals.
How to tame alpha elite animals
Most elite pets are tameable in the game and they are more tankier and deals more damage than the others.
DLC Animal Pets
The Fate of Atlantis presents three new maps and each have unique animal pets you can tame to accompany you in your adventure in either Elysium, Underworld and the Judgement of Atlantis map
Poison Wolf
Hound of Hades
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