Assassin's Creed Origins Launches Discovery Tour for Academe and New Game Mode for Replay Value

Assassin's Creed Origins becomes an educational conduit with the Discovery Tour Mode. Dating back from Altair's first incarnation of the franchise, Assassin's Creed is a history based narrative of the conflict of Templars and Assassins. It recreates that time period where the game is set, known figures and events of that era pivots the game's conflict and story.
During the second incarnation of Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft spent a lot on research recreating the database of Abstergo's Animus accessible in-game as player's memory and DNA sequences.
Curating The Academe
As the game releases new Assassin's Creed games, its massive database expanded exponentially too, containing details of the architecture, culture, languages, technologies, and the people. This made any AC game exhaustingly informative and an immersive gaming experience. In fact, if you have completed the maps Assassin's Creed II, AC Brotherhood, and Revelations you will be in awe to see how familiar the landmarks in the game compared to the real ones that still exists to this day.

This time Assassin's Creed Origins will introduce a new way of absorbing all that knowledge the game has to offer by curating through the Discovery Tour Mode free of conflict, with 25 avatars to choose from.
Discovery Tour Walkthrough
Watch the actual gameplay of the Discovery Tour Mode here.
What is New Game +?
The New Game + is how you restart a new game after completing the main story while keeping your character 's progression. It will be a separate save file that carry-over equipment, abilities, crafting status, level, and inventory items. Difficulty on NG+ also takes it up one notch, making easy as normal, normal to hard, hard to nightmare and nightmare to nightmare. Auto-leveling enemies makes sense but it can be toggled off just in case from the main menu options. Rewards on NG+ is a surprise for now and maybe there are added achievements too.
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New Game Plus (NG+) Walkthrough
Watch the actual gameplay of the NG+ with the new armor Mythical Warrior
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal Publisher: Ubisoft
Genre: Historic Action-Adventure Game modes: Single-player
ESRB rating: M (Mature) Platform(s): PC, PS4, Xbox One
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