Hyper-Realistic Black Desert Online is coming to console?
Are you a console gamer? Are you willing to cry a damn ocean for all we care because Pearl Abyss, developer of Black Desert Online will not port their game on your gaming platform?
I am the worst looking Orc in my clan, Homo Erectus
What's sadder if you do not know this game, since you been playing with your console all this time. Dive into the master race, PC gaming, because you won't find this baby on subpar console, at least for now.
This game has been anticipated as the top best looking MMO to date, already released in South East Asia, soon to invade North America and Europe. And that gameplay is not bad, very fast pace and action oriented skill-based gameplay.
The characters are amazing! For all of us who were not informed, Black Desert just had an Open Beta last December but do not worry they have an upcoming closed beta on February, for now salivate away on their character creator tool.
because Asian's are the best Babes?
Just look at these creations, it is almost surreal to see the beautiful characters this can produce. So far, this is the best character creation among the current gen MMOs, this makes the World of Warcraft sad & outdated.
even Ellen looks so clandestine alone
Bet on yourself to spend your time tweaking your characters to and fro to generate that perfect woman.. character you will be playing. Go thank Pearl Abyss and Daum Games or register and download the tool on their website here.