How To Romance Adonis in Assassin's Creed Odyssey Fields of Elysium
Adonis is a "romanceable" character in Fields of Elysium, but getting the romance is a little bit tricky this time around compared to the rest of romances in the core game. Besides choosing the heart dialogues, the choices you make in conversations without the heart icons are also important. Wrong choices early guarantees failure to "friend zone". To avoid that, follow the tips and walkthrough here on how to romance Adonis successfully.
Failure to romance Adonis will take a repeat of the whole six hours of the Fields of Elysium playthrough. Let us give you a warning first, romance with Adonis will not end well for both of you. If you are ok with that, let us begin. Saving your game before talking to him the first time would be a good first step. Here are the general hints in conversations with Adonis.
- Don't be obvious - just like in the real life, flirting early and strong are often off-putting
- Be pro-Aphrodite - Adonis is with her so act like you care that they are together
- On dialogues relating to Adonis, be pro-Adonis
- For quests given or relating to Adonis, pay attention to the objectives
- For the dialogue choices, use below as reference
How To Romance Adonis - Dialogue Choices Walkthrough
The Keeper and Kyros (quest)
On rescuing the spy Kyros in the rebel camp wear an Isu helmet or go on stealth, or totally avoid killing the rebels or get spotted. This is relatively easy if you climb directly to the nearest point of the cage shown in the playthrough below. If you hate stealth, quicksave before entering the camp and use Ikaros to spot the routes of the rebels nearby or just watch the playthrough below on how to exit the camp undetected.
How to Rescue Kyros Undetected | time - 1:22:47
Persephone's Little Birds (quest)
Some say it doesn't matter whether you choose the blacksmith or the messenger, but choose the blacksmith to be safe, besides it makes sense. And choosing the blacksmith adds a little drama when you finally get the romance.
The Beacons are Lit (quest)
This the final step in getting the romance, Adonis will ask you to deliver a device to sabotage Persephone's kolossi. The key factor here is don't be detected, and we found a the easiest way, a shortcut just for you. Watch the walkthrough below.
Watch the cutscenes as the device blow up the kolossi. If you made the right choices and used stealth successfully, the romantic scenes will ensue between your misthios and Adonis. But wait, there is more.
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Consequences for Romancing Adonis
Romance with Adonis unlocks a different ending for Adonis, there are also additional dialogues before the final battle against Persephone. To avoid spoilers watch the ending below.
Fields of Elysium Bad Endings
Bad and Worse Outcomes for Adonis
These are the consequences, dialogues and different outcomes if Alexios choose to romance Adonis or not.
Romance with Alexios
Whos is the better lover for Adonis?

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